About Jordan Souza

Jordan's Art Resume
Download Jordan's Art Resume

Jordan Souza
P.O. Box 4724
Kaneohe, HI, 96744
(808) 387-9967



2007 - Sculpture, University of Hawaii at Manoa
2001-2002 - Marine Studies, Hawaii Pacific University
2001 - High School, Kamehameha Schools


2008 - 2nd Place in show Windward Artist Guild 48th Annual Juried Exhibition
2007 - Mayors Award of Excellence
2007 - 1st Place in show National Arts Program Annual City Wide Exhibit
2006 - 3rd Place in show National Arts Program Annual City Wide Exhibit
2006 - Doris C. Crowell Award for Excellence in Figurative Sculpture


2008 - “Idiom”  Windward Community College Iolani Gallery, Kaneohe Hawaii
2008 - “MaMo Wearable Fashion Show” Waikiki Beach Mariott Kona Moku Ballroom, Honolulu Hawaii
2008 - “Windward Artist Guild 48th Annual Juried Open Exhibition” 1132 Bishop Street, Honolulu Hawaii
2007 - “Wood Exhibition” Windward Community College Iolani Gallery, Kaneohe Hawaii.
2007 - “Pivot” B.F.A. Show, University of Hawaii at Manoa Main Gallery, Honoulu Hawaii.
2007 - “Small Scale” University of Hawaii at Manoa Commons Gallery, Honolulu Hawaii
2006 - “Metal Fabrication Show” University of Hawaii at Manoa Commons Gallery, Honolulu Hawaii
2006 - “B.F.A. Awards Show” Univeristy of Hawaii at Manoa Commons Gallery, Honolulu Hawaii
2006 - “Stars of Oceania” Hilton Hawaiian Village Coral Ballroom, Honolulu Hawaii
2005 - “Dreams” Juried Art Show Honolulu Country Club Gallery, Honolulu Hawaii


2008 - “Bench Project” for Windward Community College
2006 - “Tikis” Two Six Foot Tiki’s for Kaneohe Marine Corp Base


2008 - “Lawai’a”, Private Collector, Kona Hawaii
2008 - “The Origin”, Fairmont Orchid Hotel, Kona Hawaii
2007 - “Row”, Fairmont Orchid Hotel, Kona Hawaii
2007 - “The Origin #2”, Private Collector, Kona Hawaii
2007 - “Storytelling #1 and #2”, Private Collector, Kona Hawaii

Articles and Publications:

2008 - Energy Awareness Calender, August Illustration
2008 - “Pahu Drum Carvers Thump Out a New Beat: Got Space” Windward Oahu Islander, March 19,2008
2007 - “Developing Vision” Star Bulletin Vol.12, Issue 119 Sunday April 29,2007

Television Appearances:

2008 - “Lei Day at Dave’s” Olelo Television (Interview with Host about artwork)
2006 - “Boarding School” MTV/Nickelodeon (Made artwork for character on T.V. Show)

Current Gallery Representation:

Cedar Street Galleries
817 Cedar Street, Honolulu Hawaii 96814
(808) 589-1580

The Fine Art Associates
1020 Auahi St. Bldg.4, Bay 1, Honolulu Hawaii 96814
(808) 591-2489